Thursday, 29 May 2008

I don't want to play guitar - by Jillian Clark

i just want to study

and drink a capri-sun

and feel like a three year old

and eat noodles

and listen to music that makes me tired

and fall asleep sitting under my covers

with my face in my notebook

i want to read everything on the internet

and still have time to study

actually i want to make a list of what my priorities should be

and then rearrange them

i will read everything

and i will fail my tests

and i will drink another capri sun

this was not actually a poem

this is actually the truth

straight from me to you

what i am feeling right now

i will do this more often

Spring 2008 Contents

Issue 1 - Cover

Spring 2008

Image - Ozlem Ozgen

Monday, 26 May 2008


Main Entry:
Pronunciation: \ˈfē-niks\
Etymology: Middle English fenix, from Old English, from Latin phoenix, from Greek phoinix
Date: before 12th century
: a legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live another period.

Phoenix Arts was founded in the 1920s by
the science fiction writer H.G.Wells as the literary magazine of Imperial College London. It was relaunched in the spring in 2008 as an arts and literature magazine with a broader scope, encompassing not only literature, but visual and performing art, photography, design, film and features.

Phoenix Arts is distributed in central and west London. If you want a copy, drop us an email at and we'll mail you a copy free of charge! Similarly, if you want to contribute or write us something, drop us a line at the same address.